Note: The newer versions of these browsers are comparable in their capabilities. They all display the pages as they were intended. The netscape upgrade is usually painless for any version. In regards to the Internet Explorer, 3.0x is easy however their 4.0x browser is, to me, another matter. 4.0x is highly integrated into the operating system of Win 95. and upon its install, performs major system changes. However the later, post beta, versions including that which is integrated into win 98 seem to have overcome any of the deficiencies that were in earlier versions.
Aesop's - Browser Comparison page
For those of you with older browsers, this page shows
you what the site would look like with a newer one.
The images have been reduced and highly compressed,
The main concern is layout and background of the fable.
Netscape 4, 4.5 +
Internet Explorer 3 / 4 +
Netscape 3
Netscape 2
This site is best Experienced with
a version 3 browser or newer.
Last modified: Wednesday, 23-Sep-2020 20:40:39 PDT